Wellbeing Within Welsh Curriculum

Mind Marvels embeds health and wellbeing learning and experience of the Welsh curriculum within our engaging and informative wellbeing sessions. 

Source: Curriculum for Wales – Health and Well-being – Descriptions of learning. Link: Government Policy


Health and Wellbeing Learning and Experience


Mental, Physical, Social and Emotional WellbeingAims and Outcomes of Mind Marvels
I can explain the way in which physical and emotional changes are connected in different contexts, and I can monitor, review and adapt my behaviour to support my physical and emotional health, setting myself relevant targets.Mind Marvels demonstrate what goes on inside the brain so children can gain the vital understanding of how different feelings occur, how our brains react to different emotions and how this can feel inside.
I can recognise the benefits of being able to focus attention on my perceptions and thoughts. I can self-regulate my emotions in a healthy way using strategies that I have developed.Mind Marvels support children to learn about calming tools and how to use them when needed to develop optimum mental wellbeing.
I can make friends and try to resolve disagreements, seeking support when needed.Mind Marvels encourage children to see the best in others and treat everyone with kindness and understanding.
I can communicate my needs and feelings, and respond to those of others.Mind Marvels introduce and develop children’s vocabulary for emotional literacy to express their feelings effectively.
I can empathise with others. I can understand how and why experiences affect me and others.Mind Marvels teach children mindful movement and breathing exercises to connect and self-regulate, empowering them when experiencing different feelings, moods and reactions.
I can see the benefits of communicating about feelings as one of a range of strategies which can help promote positive mental health and emotional wellbeing. I can ask for help when I need it from people I trust.Mind Marvels ensure children are engaged in an environment that is respectful, caring and which promotes the sharing and understanding of feelings, to encourage healthy empowering friendships.
I can reflect on the way that past events and experiences have affected my thoughts, feelings and actions. I can anticipate how future events may make me and others feel.Mind Marvels explore positive affirmations to help calm and focus the mind and promote resilience.


Early Years


Source: Welsh Government – Curriculum for Wales. Link: Government Policy


Wellbeing AimsHow Mind Marvels can help
Children should learn to value and contribute to their own wellbeing and that of others.Mind Marvels support children to learn about calming tools and how to use them when needed to develop optimum mental wellbeing.
Children should be aware of their own feelings and develop the ability to express them in an appropriate way.Mind Marvels teach children mindful movement and breathing exercises to connect and self-regulate, empowering them when experiencing different feelings, moods and reactions.
Children should understand the relationship between feelings and actions and that other people have feelings.Mind Marvels demonstrate what goes on inside the brain so children can gain the vital understanding of how different feelings occur, how our brains react to different emotions and how this can feel inside.
Children should demonstrate care, respect and affection for other children, adults and their environment.Mind Marvels ensure children are engaged in an environment that is respectful, caring and which promotes the sharing and understanding of feelings, to encourage healthy empowering friendships.

Enquire for your School / Nursery

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