Are You Ready To Unbox Your Dream Business?

Does this sound like you?

  • You wish children had the tools to understand and look after their wellbeing and you’re ready to make it happen
  • Your dream is to live and work on your terms, whilst understanding the importance of having resilience and perseverance to do so. 
  • You love being part of a supportive team and wish every business opportunity included that.
  • In your ideal world, you’d be able to start a business with a ready-made brand and without competitors.

We’re nodding our heads with you! Mind Marvels gives you all of this, and so much more.

Introducing The Mind Marvels Franchise

Mind Marvels is a UK-based, leading provider of wellbeing sessions across nurseries, primary schools and communities.

Our franchisees get more than the usual – of course, they access our business model, marketing material and session plans.

But there’s more:

  •  True community support where everyone wants success for one another
  •  No competition – each franchisee has their own territory
  •  Wellbeing, mindfulness and self-development resources 

Plus: training and support from Day Zero, continuous throughout your time with us.

Computer displaying Operations Manual and Training Call

The Days Of Wishing You Could Do What You Love, On Your Terms, Are Behind You

We’re in it with you!

  • A tried-and-tested business model with proven success (This is your fast-track to launching a business from Day 1)
  • Done-for-you promotional material (So you can focus on building relationships with future customers)
  • Training and support throughout (So you don’t have to learn through trial and error)
  • Instant access to a supportive community (You’re never alone)
  • Session plans underpinned by proven success (You can lean on our reputation so customers are confident to work with you)
  • Opportunities to scale and grow (We enable you to build a business that doesn’t rely on you working all the time)
Checklist to make sure you're the right type of person for Mind Marvels

Introducing Your Franchisor Karen Gibb 


Can I take you back to when I was six?

If you’d have asked anyone to describe me in three words: a real live-wire.

But, if you ask me, I was anxious. I had big thoughts for a little person.

I so wish my six-year-old-self had the tools to understand what anxiety is, to know how something as simple as a quick breathing exercise could help me feel calm and to able to regulate difficult emotions.

Maybe that’s why I became a teacher, who knows?

But what I do know is that it planted the seed for Mind Marvels.

See, when I saw children experience the same as me, even when they masked it, the need to empower them became stronger.

It was too late for me – I learnt the hard way. I knew I didn’t want them to do the same.

And so Mind Marvels was born!  I tried it with pupils and eventually, took the leap to get our sessions into as many primary schools and nurseries as possible.

But I hit a wall – I could only help so many children alone.  

This inspired me to take my hard work, package it into a ready-made business for others and invite them to join my mission.

Are you in?

Karen Gibb Mind Marvels Founder
Karen Gibb Mind Marvels founder as a child